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Charles M. Rand Mediation Services
Mediate Mediate
"Judge Rand is universally regarded as one of New Jersey's foremost experts in the matrimonial field. His judicial colleagues from Cape May to Bergen Counties regularly sought his advice and counsel on complex matrimonial issues."
Francis J. Orlando
former Assignment Judge
Camden County Superior Court
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Charles M. Rand Professional Profile

Retired Presiding Judge
Superior Court, Family Part, Camden County
  Charles M. Rand
  Contact Information
  Phone: (856) 795-5773
  Phone: (856) 912-8950


Graduated Rutgers University, New Brunswick - 1969
Graduated Rutgers University School of Law, Camden – 1973

Juducial Experience:

20 Years Camden County Superior Court Bench (1992 - 2012)
18 Years Family Part, Superior Court
14 Years Presiding Judge Family Part (1998-2012)
Substantially handled, organized and supervised Matrimonial Early
Settlement Panels (MESP) in Camden County
Acting Assignment Judge Camden County since (2007 - 2012)

Memberships / Committees:

Member of Camden County BAR Association and New Jersey State BAR Association
Conference of Presiding Judges, State of New Jersey
Chaired – FD/FM Sub-Committee of Presiding Judges Conference
Thomas S. Forkin Family Inns of Court (Longstanding Member)

Frequent Lecturer For:

Forkin Family Inns of Court
Camden County BAR Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
New Jersey State CLE
New Jersey Association For Justice
ICLE Skills & Methods (Last Lecture in 2010)
Lecturer and Teacher for Comprehensive Judicial Orientation Program (CJOP)
A program for newly appointed judges assigned to the family part and child support hearing
officers – basic child support guideline and advanced child support issues.

Private Practice:

Asbell, Ambrose, Ergood & Asbell
Ambrose, Ergood & Rand
Ambrose, Ergood, Rand & Gavin
Charles M. Rand
Abramson & Rand – Emphasis in Family Practice Matters

Municipal Court Judge in Various Camden County Municipalities

Audubon; Barringon; Oaklyn; Cherry Hill – Conflicts

Positions Held:

President of Camden County Conference of Muncipal Court Judges
Chair and Co-Chair – Camden/Gloucester County Fee Arbitration Panel
Trustee Camden County BAR Association – 4 Years
President Camden County BAR Association (1990/1991)
Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President Camden County BAR Association
Chairman Numerous Camden County BAR Association Committees Including CLE
Current Board Member Walter Rand School of Public Policy, Rutgers University, Camden

Numerous Guest Appearances for Lectures, Talks, Panels, Teaching For:

Various Public Groups
Camden County High Schools and Middle Schools
Mock Trials (Local and State BAR)
Rutgers School of Law, Camden


2012 Devine Award Recipient, Camden County BAR Association
2011 Nardi Award Recipient, Thomas S. Forkin Family Inns of Court
2012 Recipient, Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs, Rutgers University, Camden


Author "College Contribution, Theory, Law and Practice" - New Jersey Family Lawyer, with Amy Cores, 2010